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lang="en-US"> What Is the Importance of Grammar in the IELTS Test? - Instant Bazinga
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What Is the Importance of Grammar in the IELTS Test?

Does grammar hold any type of importance in getting a higher IELTS band score? Do you have this type of question in your mind? Yes, there is no certain question that will directly judge your grammar skills. However, you might be astonished to note that “Yes grammar plays a pivotal role in attaining a high score in the IELTS test.” One can without any doubt state that grammar is basically the backbone of all types of languages. Whether you talk about English, French, Punjabi, Hindi, German or any other language. So if you are not backed up with basics then what is the guarantee that you will easily be able to speak the entire language without any flaw. IELTS will surely judge your English in a constructive manner.

There is no denying the fact that adequate and proper knowledge of grammar is quite essential for all four skills. If you need to be efficient in the writing, reading, listening and speaking part then you are required to have full knowledge of the grammar. If you think that the knowledge of grammar can pop up in your head overnight. Then this is not at all correct. In some cases, the basic level of the impotence of the English grammar might vary from one module to another. Have you ever taken out time to understand how and why grammar is so important? However, this blog can basically help you to note the importance of grammar in an optimistic manner. If you are bending your back to clear the IELTS exam. Join the best IELTS online classes for magnifying your performance.

Why is the grammar part so crucial in the entire IELTS exam?

We will help you know each and everything related to the importance of grammar. Yes, it plays a vital role. You just have to take out some time to read this blog. Let’s move on to know the importance of grammar through each module:

IELTS Writing Module

In this module, you will surely be given two tasks. Moreover, task one basically demands you to carefully write one fifty words. However, in the task 2 section, you really are required to write 250 words. The essay basically wants you to have strong grammar with full-fledged knowledge of sentence framing. There is no denying the fact that the writing tasks are usually examined according to the four basic criteria. These criteria are task response/achievement, lexical resource, Coherence & Cohesion, Grammatical Range & Accuracy.

All in all, the grammar part basically constitutes around 25% of the total writing task. No matter how many great vocabulary skills you score, you will never be able to write impressive sentences if you have wrong and improper grammar skills. As we all know, grammar is a basic skill. So you really need to consider learning it so that you can easily work wonders for your case. On the other hand, if your dream lies in clearing the PTE exam. Then you should enroll in the best PTE online classes.

IELTS Speaking Module

Similar to IELTS writing, the speaking test is also evaluated on the basis of four main criteria. These criteria are basically Lexical Resource, Fluency & Coherence, Pronunciation, Grammatical Range & Accuracy. There is no denying the fact that grammar usually makes up to twenty-five per cent of your entire IELTS speaking score. In this module, you really need to actively make use of a wide range of grammar structures.

This is basically done to express the idea in the right form. As it is the skiing module so you really need to be as fluent as possible. Furthermore, at the time of speaking, you really need to ensure that you hold the correct grammatical accuracy. Moreover, your answer makes complete sense to your case. If you follow all the above-listed statements then you will be able to achieve good bands without any hassle. Kick start the preparation of the IELTS exam with the soulful guidance of the best experts conducting IELTS online classes.

IELTS Listening and Reading Module

We can easily state that grammar does not play a pivotal role in the reading and listening module. You should have the proper grammatical knowledge and only you will be able to solve this section without any hassle. Your grammar skills will be judged on the basis of the answer formation. The more accurate your answer the more chances you have in clearing the IELTS exam. Here the examiner will judge your grammar indirectly.

So you have to note that you will not have to commit any type of mistake so that the examiner will come to know what sort of blunder you have done. We advise you not to neglect anything. However, if you will do such a thing then it can lower your bands. You really need to make the proper use of the adjective. With the adjective you can easily be able to describe;e the people and things without any hindrance. IF you hold the aim to clear the PTE exam. Carefully join the best PTE online classes.

Final Thought

If you have made up your mind that you have to clear the upcoming IELTS exam. Then you have to read this blog with full attention in mind. Read all the above-listed pointers so that you will be able to know each and everything with utmost attention in hand. We wish you all the very best for appearing in the IELTS exam.

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