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lang="en-US"> What is Root Canal Retreatment? Read more details here! - Instant Bazinga
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What is Root Canal Retreatment? Read more details here!

When you have an infected tooth, your dentist will usually recommend root canal therapy as the ideal treatment to prevent an extraction. Root canal therapy, or RCT, has a high success rate, but in rare situations, the procedure may not work as expected. That’s when you need root canal retreatment. Before you talk to your Rockingham, NC family dentist, here is a quick guide.

What is root canal retreatment?

During root canal retreatment, your dentist will remove the existing crown and packing materials. They will repeat the same steps afterwards as with regular root canal therapy. They will cleanse the root canals and seal the tooth again. After this, you will have to return to get a crown. In terms of the procedure, both root canal retreatment and root canal therapy are almost the same. The success rate of root canal retreatment is as high as 75%, and it is still a better choice than removing the affected tooth. For instance, if you have the tooth extracted, you will have to consider options for replacement, such as bridges, dental implants, or dentures, which are way more expensive and complicated. Plus, your prosthetic tooth will never feel the same.

When is root canal retreatment required?

In some cases, root canal therapy may not yield the right results. The filling material may leak, or the crown could be damaged. Sometimes, curved and narrow canals may not have been treated during the original procedure, leading to complications like toothaches. New decay or a fracture would occur in the treated tooth, which must be addressed through root canal retreatment.

Steps in root canal retreatment

Does root canal retreatment hurt?

Much like RCT, root canal retreatment doesn’t cause any pain, as local anesthesia is used. However, the procedure is a tad more complex, so your dentist must be extra cautious while dealing with the sealed tooth.

The new crown will be ordered from the lab after the root canal retreatment. Your dentist may wait for a few days to see if there are other complications.

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