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Tuning Up: 5 Affordable Ways To Improve Car Performance

Your car may bring you a world of joy. But is it giving you the best performance you can get out of it?

With modern technology and design, cars coming off the assembly line can give an impressive performance. However, chances are your car can still do better.

You don’t need to be a mechanic or car expert to improve car performance. Nor do you have to spend a fortune to make it happen. Here are five affordable ways that you can improve your car performance.

  1. Use Low Viscosity Oil

The thinner your oil, the better. Lower viscosity oils have a quicker and easier flow through the fuel pump. As a result, your car doesn’t require as much energy to lubricate the engine.

Keep in mind that oil can change under high-temperature and high-shear conditions. Ensure that you get an oil that can maintain its viscosity in such conditions. And remember to consult your vehicle’s manual to know exactly how thin of oil your car can handle.

  1. Don’t Overload Your Car

The more you carry in your car, the more weight you’ll have to haul around. This will require extra work from your engine, which will result in slower speed and increased use of gas.

If you’re hauling unnecessary supplies or equipment around all the time, clean out your car. You’ll create muss less work for your engine, and you’ll save big money through fewer gas station trips.

  1. Look Into ECU Remapping

ECU remapping is a car tuning method that is becoming increasingly popular, especially amongst 4WD owners. ECU stands for “engine control unit,” and it controls your vehicle’s internal combustion. This refers to injection angle, fuel injection pressure, and fuel dosing.

You’ll notice major improvements in horsepower and torque output through ECU remapping. Click to view more about this useful auto-tuning method.

  1. Have a Slightly Higher Tire Pressure

You don’t want to overfill your tires, as this can wear them out too fast. Moreover, the summer is coming, and tire pressure increases enough with heat.

However, going 2-5 PSI higher can lead to easier turns and less effort from your engine. Keep your tires properly inflated, and follow that standard when doing so.

  1. Monitor Driving Habits

This one seems simple, but many people fail at it. Aggressive forms of driving like rapid acceleration, speeding, and sharp braking can negatively impact fuel consumption by 40%.

Even if you aren’t in an accident, that doesn’t mean your car isn’t feeling any reckless driving habits. Follow the speed limit, don’t slam the brakes, and don’t accelerate too quickly. You’ll do much less damage to your car by following those rules.

Improving Car Performance

These tips for improving car performance will have your vehicle operating better than ever. And as an added bonus, you’ll be extending your car’s life while making improvements on your car’s capabilities.

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