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Creating a Garden for Cannabis

Cannabis is an annual crop that is not difficult to grow. You can grow them outdoors, which requires almost no hassle as long as all soil and light conditions are met. But if you want to be more intentional with cultivating marijuana and want a garden for it, this article is for you. You need to have a location in mind, get yourself a set of cannabis pots or planters, then let’s plan.

A Porch Garden

You can set up a garden on your home’s front porch, allowing it to breathe fresh air, and enjoy the sunlight. If you so desire, you may have it on the side or back of your home…whatever suits your home design that would still allow it to look nice. Having it under the shade of your roof is also great; that way, it is not beaten by the sun all day long but still has enough light to favor its growth. This option requires no hard labor; just to create a space on your premise and assign it for your crop. Ensure to choose colorful planters. They can all be the same size, but if the sizes vary, arrange them in a pattern. Also, ensure they are sitting in an aerated space.

Greenhouse or Polytunnel

You can have a greenhouse if you intend to expand your cultivation, but on a scale that you can still control, not very labor intensive. Work on making your greenhouse have a stable temperature between 70- and 80 degrees F. It should be warm, but not hot. You can have an outdoor cooling/ventilation system for your greenhouse or borrow greenhouse heating system ideas. With a plan with your architect and home designer, you can get a suitable spot in your yard that would not require artificial light.

You can go on to plant them in cannabis planters or bags. You also want to consider key things before choosing your planter, which may include durability, drainage, individual pot for a plant, or a tray planter. Once sorted, fill your cannabis pot with the appropriate soil, arrange them in your greenhouse or high-tunnel, and plant the cannabis.

Next: Installation Process and Cost of Parquet Flooring
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